Every Waite Park Community gardener is responsible for signing up for the correct number of work hours and completing them before the end of the season. Work days are 2 hours long. Each plot must contribute 6 hours of service before the end of the season.
Work Day Sign Up
2025 Workdays (TBD) | Signup Instructions
We use Google Sheets to sign up for work days and track work hours. The links above go the sign up sheet and the instructions. Some work days get cancelled for bad weather, so sign up for 4-5 work days per plot. Leads will communicate with you if the work days are cancelled.
Upcoming Work Days
Work Day Info
Work days are held either on Saturday (10 am – 12 pm) or Tuesday (6 – 8 pm). Gardeners are required to complete 6 hours of work on community areas PER PLOT. Gardeners with second plots have to complete 12 hours of service for the season.
You can complete your work days in 1 of 3 ways:
- Attend three 2-hour work days;
- Participate on a team (mowing, fruit, social, perennials);
- Assist with a special project (usually building or maintaining structures)
There may be more opportunities to get hours as the season continues.
What happens if I can’t attend a work day that I’ve signed up for?
Please email the WPCG email address if you can’t make your work day.
How do I prepare for a work day?
Please show up promptly at the start time and be prepared to work the full 2 hours. Bring work gloves and sunscreen. There will be a garden lead/officer present at the work day to distribute work tasks.
If you can, please consider taking a yard waste bag or two with you when you leave.
What kinds of activities will we do during the work days?
Activities may include weeding community plots, weed whacking, seeding pathways, organizing the sheds, and putting up fencing. Later in the season, tasks may include picking produce and cleaning up for the winter.
Can I drop into work days?
It’s better if you sign up ahead of time, but yes. Make sure a work day lead records your plot number and the hours you worked. If no lead is there, email your plot number, hours, and what you worked on to the garden email (wpccngmember@gmail.com).
What happens if it rains?
If it rains prior to the start of the work day, but it is still slippery outside, the work day will be cancelled (no work hour credit). Leads will communicate this to gardeners via email or text if the work day is cancelled.
If it rains DURING the work day, gardeners who show up will receive 2 hours of credit.
What if there isn’t two hours of work to do?
If the work day is dismissed early, gardeners who show up will still receive 2 hours of credit.