Our monthly garden happy hour is coming up this week! 6-8pm. An announcement went out — check your email! Bring a beverage and a chair (and maybe a bit of big spray). Kids are enthusiastically welcome.
It’s the summer solstice. We’ll have a bit of poetry, guitar, and singing. See you then!
Other updates
- Jeff (55) and Kevin (3) are working on three new plots on the east side. We need cardboard! If you have any, bring it in and leave it under the picnic table on the east side. 📦
- The announcement board next to the center shed has a white board. You can use it to ask for help watering or to share extra produce. You can also post that info on the garden Facebook group. 📢
- Carry out your old tomato cages, chicken wire, and trellising! The side of the center shed was recently cleaned up and we’re going to try to keep it that way 😆 If you think someone could use it, post the info on Facebook or the white board rather than leaving it next to the shed ❤️